Industrial style furniture is currently on trending for in all segment like Home office , bar , cafe, Hotel or Restaurant furniture and below is quick view about few product which may you will take home.
Below starting with tolix design furniture with trellis legs looks beautiful with white marble top.
industrial black metal table lamp looking great combination.
Tolix metal chair is looking good and yo can also use cushion if you want regular work on it.
Three lot of swing design trending in market with different base and different use mostly this concept used by cafe, restaurant , Hotels and Bar, they use this as dinning table or some time fit this swing in wall, below desk is combination of Industrial pipe furniture and swing table.
Pipe table lamp also looking good.
Below dosing is eco friendly design as this made by recycle wood . also heavy rode providing good support for base part and comfort with use this as foot rest.
Different person need different design so if you have good height of room or one side open wall than you can chose below design. all furniture for below is gorgeous and you can see all inspired by Industrial design .
Below design is for small office at home for work at home purpose. back side of the room is 3 bookshelf made by wood and metal looking like wardrobe and quite impressive sue to lot of space for display beautiful things.
Aviator furniture always attract aviation love so Aviator living room club chair and same design side table looking beautiful.
Once aging industrial swing desk looking beautiful with drawer and 4 swing for sit.
All combination looking good together.
Simple always looks good and below design is so simple and attractive for this range and dining purpose.
If you are a employee and you need more space for put file or other article on table than below l shape desk is helpful for you.
This design is inspired for long life of furniture.
Below executive desk look beautiful and made by mango wood and Pipe furniture. large space on below desk as well as good space on the top. You can this as laptop table or PC table.
Small thing always useful and below design is quite helpful in office to hold hanging article.
Hope you like all design and keep in touch for more design.